2월, 2019의 게시물 표시

The irony of the sinners

           Though the impression of the two stories is quite differentiable, it is interesting that the way story is being narrated in The Student and The Lady with The Dog shares significant similarity.            As it is widely known, The Lady with The Dog  is a story of a man and a woman having affair. The similarity which connects Gurov and Sergeyevna is a love that is shared among them. Their love is very genuine but is something that is prohibited at the same time. Continuing their love is a betrayal to their wife or husband. Their sin becomes very clear when the relationship between the two is illustrated as that of husband and wife. (Anna Sergeyevna and he loved each other like people very close and akin, like husband and wife, like tender friends;) While their true love bonds their relationship, there is a character which separates there characters. For a number of time, the readers can notice that Sergeyevna frequently blames herself for her sin and feels guilty about