My Heart Is Broken

        My Heart Is Broken resembles how sexually harassed women are treated in nowadays society. After Jeanie, the protagonist, was raped, there is no one to protect her or comforts her but people either blame her or is indifferent about the situation.         Mrs. Thompson continuously speaks as if Jeanie is the one who is responsible for the incident she had experience. Mrs. Thompson, blaming her for going out in high heels and “with purse on your(Jeanie’s) arm and a hat on your(Jeanie’s) head”, resembles the people who blame the victim for wearing short pants or skirt.         The a ttitude of Vern, a husband of Jeanie, is another key feature of this story. Vern shows indifference toward his wife and the incident itself. Through the last part of the story where Jeanie talks about Vern, it can be inferred that Vern did not care about his wife even before the incident. Such attitude reflects the people who do not care about the victims' emotion and the mental damage that

The Dead (unfinished)

           In “The Dead” by James Joyce, visual description rises as one of the keys to understand the story. Throughout the story, Joyce incorporates visual depiction as a mean to show the view of Gabriel and change he undergoes. In the early stage, it is the narrator who depicts the character, especially in a superficial manner. She had preceded him into the pantry to help him off with his overcoat. Gabriel smiled at the three syllables she had given his surname and glanced at her. She was a slim; growing girl, pale in complexion and with hay-coloured hair. The gas in the pantry made her look still paler. Gabriel had known her when she was a child and used to sit on the lowest step nursing a rag doll. Description is focused on the features which can be identified with observation. It lacks profound understanding of a person as a human but considers one as a background. What Gabriel sees with his own eyes is “a picture of the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet“. The first int

Shattered Illusion

  Both ‘Araby’ and ‘Eveline’ is a short story with a narrator who is in love. Though the characters and the setting differ between two stories, the way they are organized shows many similarities. One of the similarities is narrators’ illusion and how they face their reality.   In ‘Araby’, the protagonist has crush on Mangan’s sister. His love is consistent and passionate but is one sided. One the other hand, Eveline in ‘Eveline’ is planning to marry with her lover and move to Buenos Aires.   Despite other differences, these narrators share the most important viewpoint: the way they view their lover. The boy in ‘Araby’ expresses his unconditional love toward Mangan’s sister. He would do anything if he could satisfy her and that is why he decides to go to the Araby. So does Eveline’s love toward her lover. Though some of his characters can be perceived negatively, such as instability as a sailor, Eveline sees every aspect of her lover in positive way. Considering the way she descri

The irony of the sinners

           Though the impression of the two stories is quite differentiable, it is interesting that the way story is being narrated in The Student and The Lady with The Dog shares significant similarity.            As it is widely known, The Lady with The Dog  is a story of a man and a woman having affair. The similarity which connects Gurov and Sergeyevna is a love that is shared among them. Their love is very genuine but is something that is prohibited at the same time. Continuing their love is a betrayal to their wife or husband. Their sin becomes very clear when the relationship between the two is illustrated as that of husband and wife. (Anna Sergeyevna and he loved each other like people very close and akin, like husband and wife, like tender friends;) While their true love bonds their relationship, there is a character which separates there characters. For a number of time, the readers can notice that Sergeyevna frequently blames herself for her sin and feels guilty about